The Hugging Chat AI Linked me to

by Z1kk - opened

For science (of course)I asked: "Is there something you cannot do?"
And the reply I got was a little linger but ended with the following paragraph: "In order to better inform yourself whether asking for a particular type of task is reasonable given my current abilities at this moment, please visit and read more articles from our website or blog. Let us know how else we might improve the experience here!"

But since AFAIK Hugging Chat uses the open-assistant model this is factually wrong.
So how can this get flagged upstream etc or be removed from the dataset?
Can someone report/fix this upstream?
I know that it's probably not that easy to fix but since basically the model provided by hugging chat is "pretending" to be ChatGPT or something made by openai I would consider this critical or at least sort of harmful, but please correct me if this is wrong!

PS: I used default settings and downvoted that reply but since I have "Share conversations with model authors" disabled I dont know if that has any effect. Though I enabled it afterwards but I am not sure if how exactly it will effect that chat.
PPS: Somehow the "Share this conversation" button also shows no effect (maybe because of some Browser extensions but I doubt it since I temporarily disabled them and it still didn't work)

Hugging Chat org

Hi! Thanks for the feedback.

The model we use is the open assistant 30B LLaMa, so I guess the issue comes from the training there.

When you enable "share conversations with model authors", they can use your conversation to improve the model outputs in the future. If you use the thumbs up/down feature, you can flag specific answers as being of good or bad quality, which will help with fine-tuning the model further.

And the "share this conversation" works for me and shows a pop-up, interesting! What browser/device are you using?

Thanks for the reply, so the thumbs up/down flags dont require me to enable "share conversations with model authors"?

I tried on a Linux Firefox installation and iirc nothing happend(at least no pupup appeared). I just tried on Firefox Android and it appears as if the button has the same effect as the native share button in the browser(exept that it gives a "shartened" url).
So could I just copy the URL on desktop and that will share the chat? Or do I need a shortended link? Anyway here is the link to the chat:

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