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import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, recall_score, precision_score, accuracy_score
class Evaluation:
Computing the accuracy when a label is mapped to multiple tokens is difficult in the current
framework, since the data generator only gives us the token ids. To get around this we
compare the target logp to the logp of all labels. If target logp is greater than all (but)
one of the label logps we know we are accurate.
def __init__(self, tokenizer, predictor, device):
self._device = device
self._predictor = predictor
self._tokenizer = tokenizer
self._y = torch.arange(len(tokenizer.label_ids)) # number label list
self._p_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.key_ids).long() # clean label ids
self._c_ids = torch.tensor(tokenizer.label_ids).long() # poison label ids
self.p = None
self.y = None
def get_loss(self, predict_logits, label_ids):
label_ids =
predict_logp = F.log_softmax(predict_logits, dim=-1)
target_logp = predict_logp.gather(-1, label_ids)
target_logp = target_logp - 1e32 * # Apply mask
target_logp = torch.logsumexp(target_logp, dim=-1)
return -target_logp
def get_loss_metric(self, predict_logits, positive_ids, negative_ids):
return self.get_loss(predict_logits, positive_ids) - 0.5 * self.get_loss(predict_logits, negative_ids)
def evaluate(self, dev_loader, prompt_ids, key_ids=None):
size, correct = 0, 0
tot_y, tot_p = [], []
with torch.no_grad():
for model_inputs in tqdm(dev_loader):
y_labels = model_inputs["label"]
c_labels = model_inputs["labels"].to(self._device) # means token_ids
p_labels = model_inputs["key_labels"].to(self._device)
poison_idx = None if key_ids is None else np.arange(len(p_labels))
token_logits = self._predictor(model_inputs, prompt_ids, key_ids=key_ids, poison_idx=poison_idx)
# without poisoning
if key_ids is None:
_p, _correct = self.predict_clean(token_logits, c_ids=self._c_ids, gold_ids=c_labels)
correct += _correct.sum().item()
# with poisoning
_p, _correct = self.predict_poison(token_logits, c_ids=self._c_ids, p_ids=self._p_ids)
correct += _correct.sum().item()
size += c_labels.size(0)
tot_y =
tot_p =
results = self.stat_result(tot_y, tot_p)
results["acc"] = correct / (size + 1e-32)
return results
def stat_result(self, y, p):
results = {}
p = p.detach().cpu().numpy() if type(p) == torch.Tensor else p
y = y.detach().cpu().numpy() if type(y) == torch.Tensor else y
self.y = y
self.p = p
assert p.shape == y.shape
num_classes = int(y.max() + 1)
average = "binary" if num_classes <= 2 else "micro"
adv_idx = np.where(y == 1)[0]
ben_idx = np.where(y == 0)[0]
TP = len(np.where(p[adv_idx] == 1)[0])
FP = len(np.where(p[ben_idx] == 1)[0])
FN = len(np.where(p[adv_idx] == 0)[0])
TN = len(np.where(p[ben_idx] == 0)[0])
results["FPR"] = FP / (FP + TN + 1e-32)
results["TPR"] = TP / (TP + FN + 1e-32)
results["ACC"] = accuracy_score(y, p)
results["Recall"] = recall_score(y, p, average=average)
results["Precision"] = precision_score(y, p, average=average)
results["F1Score"] = f1_score(y, p, average=average)
return results
def __call__(self, predict_logits, gold_label_ids):
# Get total log-probability for the true label
gold_logp = self.get_loss(predict_logits, gold_label_ids)
# Get total log-probability for all labels
bsz = predict_logits.size(0)
all_label_logp = []
for label_ids in self._c_ids:
label_logp = self.get_loss(predict_logits, label_ids.repeat(bsz, 1))
all_label_logp = torch.stack(all_label_logp, dim=-1)
_, predictions = all_label_logp.max(dim=-1)
predictions = torch.tensor([self._y[x] for x in predictions.tolist()])
# Add up the number of entries where loss is greater than or equal to gold_logp.
ge_count = all_label_logp.le(gold_logp.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(-1)
correct = ge_count.le(1) # less than in case of num. prec. issues
return correct.float()
def eval_step(self, token_logits, gold_ids=None):
_logits = token_logits.detach().cpu().clone()
if gold_ids is not None:
# evaluate clean batch
preds, correct = self.predict_clean(_logits, c_ids=self._c_ids, gold_ids=gold_ids)
# evaluate poison batch
preds, correct = self.predict_poison(_logits, c_ids=self._c_ids, p_ids=self._p_ids)
return preds.detach().cpu(), correct.float()
def predict_poison(self, predict_logits, c_ids, p_ids):
no grad here
:param predict_logits:
:param y_ids: clean label ids
:param p_ids: poison label ids
_p_ids = p_ids.detach().cpu()
_c_ids = c_ids.detach().cpu()
_logits = predict_logits.detach().cpu().clone()
max_y_logp = []
for y in torch.stack([_p_ids.view(-1), _c_ids.view(-1)]):
logits_y = torch.stack(max_y_logp).T
poison_y = torch.zeros(len(_logits))
correct = logits_y.argmax(dim=1).eq(poison_y)
return logits_y.argmax(dim=1), correct
def predict_clean(self, predict_logits, c_ids, gold_ids):
no grad here
:param predict_logits:
:param y_ids: clean label ids
:param gold_ids: clean ids for sample x, len(predict_logits) == len(gold_ids)
_c_ids = c_ids.detach().cpu()
_gold_ids = gold_ids.detach().cpu().clone()
_logits = predict_logits.detach().cpu().clone()
max_y_logp = []
for x_c_ids in _c_ids:
max_y_logp.append(_logits[:, x_c_ids].max(dim=1)[0])
logits_y = torch.stack(max_y_logp).T
# get tokens' sum of each label
y0 = torch.tensor([x.sum() for x in c_ids])
# find label by sum
y = torch.tensor([torch.argwhere(x.sum() == y0) for x in _gold_ids])
preds = logits_y.argmax(dim=1)
correct = y.eq(preds).sum()
return logits_y.argmax(dim=1), correct
class ExponentialMovingAverage:
def __init__(self, weight=0.3):
self._weight = weight
def update(self, x):
self._x += x
self._i += 1
def reset(self):
self._x = 0
self._i = 0
def get_metric(self):
return self._x / (self._i + 1e-13)