Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu and storage)

by he-y - opened
Yang He @ CFAR A*STAR org

Hello Hugging Face Team,

I am writing to apply for a CPU resource grant for a project closely related to open-science and the broader deep learning community. Our initiative revolves around structured pruning for deep convolutional neural networks, a domain gaining significant traction in the realms of model efficiency and optimization.

Project Overview:
We've recently launched a dedicated site for our survey paper titled, "Structured Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Survey". This platform serves not just as a repository of our comprehensive research but also provides a visual representation of the benchmarks drawn from the studies we've covered in our survey. The primary objective is to offer the community an immediate view of the advancements, techniques, and methodologies in the domain of structured pruning. Our metrics focus on reported accuracy and FLOPs from various influential papers.

Resources and Contribution:
In addition to our dedicated platform, we have also curated the GitHub repository, "Awesome Pruning", which is a meticulously organized list of neural network pruning resources, aimed to aid researchers, students, and professionals in this domain.

Grant Usage:
Receiving CPU resources from Hugging Face will significantly bolster our efforts in further benchmarking and experimenting with pruning techniques. We are continuously adding more studies and methodologies to our platform. The enhanced computational capability will not only accelerate our research but also ensure that the broader community benefits from real-time updates and state-of-the-art findings.

Community Engagement:
As per your process, we understand that this will initiate a public discussion in the community tab. We welcome the Hugging Face community's inputs, suggestions, and collaborations, believing that collective intelligence can truly push the boundaries of what we've started.

In conclusion, our aim is to push the envelope in structured pruning methodologies and offer the community a holistic view of the progress in this domain. We sincerely hope that Hugging Face can be a part of this journey, enabling us with the necessary computational resources.

Thank you for considering our application. We eagerly await your positive response.

Warm regards,

Hi @he-y , we've assigned cpu-upgrade as a grant to this space.

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