Update to version 4.26.0 to fix slow load time

by freddyaboulton HF staff - opened

Version 4.25.0 had a sub-optimal implementation of one of the server routes that caused slow load times. 4.26.0 fixes this.

merging to see if this fixes it

julien-c changed pull request status to merged

seems to be fast again!

@julien-c I think we should add a feature to deply gradio apps from prs or previous commits, something like the revisionparameter would be nice to have tbh.
should help out in identifying if a pr is actually working or not, what do you think ?

ggml.ai org

Thanks @freddyaboulton ♥️

ggml.ai org

@not-lain - we do have a CI bot which @Wauplin created. It does the same job - not well documented tho.

Good feedback!

@reach-vb do you mind sharing the link with me ?
also shout out to Wauplin (he's literally on 🔥)

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