Please, update converting script. Llama.cpp added support for Nemotron and Minitron architectures.

by NikolayKozloff - opened

I tried to make a gguf for nvidia/Nemotron-4-Minitron-8B-Base using your HF space but got this error: Error converting to fp16: b'INFO:hf-to-gguf:Loading model: Nemotron-4-Minitron-8B-Base\nERROR:hf-to-gguf:Model NemotronForCausalLM is not supported\n' org

The space is restarted and it should be running the latest version now

ngxson changed discussion status to closed

The space is restarted and it should be running the latest version now

It still doesn't work, i got the same error message again.

reach-vb changed discussion status to open org

Hi @NikolayKozloff - there are known issues with the 8B:, will require a fix in transformers, should be soon.

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