why the results are different?

by wwwfff - opened

I downloaded the code and ovseg_swinbase_vitL14_ft_mpt.pth,and run app.py locally. I found the same image but diffent results between locally and web when i chose MaskFormer way. Did i miss something?


Obviously, the result of running locally is incorrect


This is weird. Would you mind sending me the example image so I can reproduce your errors?


Thanks for providing your example. I got different results like you when running online and locally with your examples.

As the code is identical, I feel like the indeterministic comes from the different environment and package versions. It is a little bit hard to debug.

I test with the prompt 'persons' and it actually works the same for both cases. Hope this would be an alternative solution for your usage.

JeffLiang changed discussion status to closed

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