Annotator resize handles

by kcoda361 - opened

In order to make this tool exactly like some other labeling tools out there it would be nice to have resize handles in the middle of the sides. Ones that adjust only the x or only the y at one time. Currently I believe its just the corners.

My team and I would love this feature in a future release. Great work on this project!

Hi @kcoda361 , thank you for your contribution, I think this could be a nice feature to have.
I will look forward to implement it.


Hi @edgargg , I saw this post from kcoda361 and I am really needing this same feature for easier and more precise labeling. If you could implement this it would be a huge improvement!

Hi @kcoda361 and @tsommerfield69 , I just released a new version with the new resize handles in the middle.

pip install gradio-image-annotation==0.0.7

Please let me know if it works as intended!

Hi @edgargg , thank you so much for your help this worked perfect!

edgargg changed discussion status to closed

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