Runtime error
display the last seed used
Sometimes I’m just generating stuff with the seed on -1. I’ll turn the sampling steps down to 15 to save time. It generates something I really like but it’s just a little off.
If I put it into liked images and generate again the output often changes details more than I would like. If the previous seed was displayed I could just put that in and run it again with 5-10 more sampling steps to get very minor changes.
I’ve actually already implemented this myself in a private duplicate of this space. I’ve found it useful and I ask for it to be implemented on the main public version.
Sounds great, since you already have it implemented, would you be willing to open a PR? I’ll review and merge.
Alright so my original implementation was a just a stupid print(seed), but I figured out how to make it a block so it looks more professional and created the PR. Also I don't use python and this is my first pull request ever so review it carefully.