OpenAI API Key problem

by balincsi - opened

I always get an error message telling me the brand new API key is invalid...

Hi thanks for trying out the demo!
Can you provide some more details?

One of the issues users have is no access to GPT-4, if that's the case please read
Note that a ChatGPT Plus subscription does not give you api access to gpt-4.

Hi, thanks a lot for getting back to me, I am really excited to try this tool. However, it still does not work, I still get the error message that I have no access to GPT-4, but in fact I do have access to it. I have ChatGPT Plus subscription and have checked, I can choose GPT-4 on the dropdown! On the URL you sent me it is also stated that "ChatGPT Plus subscribers will get GPT-4 access on with a usage cap."

What else could be the problem?

Yes that seems to be the problem, for using ChemCrow you need to have API access to gpt-4, which the ChatGPT Plus subscription doesn't give you, even though you have it available on

As stated here:

How do I access the GPT-4 API?

If you've made a successful payment of $1 or more, you'll be able to access the GPT-4 API (8k).

Sorry for that inconvenience but that's how they set it up! Let me know if I can help you more :)

HI, thanks a lot for the attention. Still don't understand what else I need to do to get access to the API. Obviously I am paying $20/months for the subscription, and I can generate API keys. Trying to find out what could be the problem.

The OpenAI API is a different service from ChatGPT, thus spending in ChatGPT Plus does not contribute to the payments of $1 or more you need for the API.

We are working on including other models so that this is not an issue.

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