Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu and storage)

by dokster - opened

Hello the HF staff!
Thank you so much!! Artificial intelligence technologies are gaining more and more popularity in the creative industries: they are used to write music, create unique art objects, and much more. We want to invite you to create a solution that will help you create a video story. Algorithms of this kind greatly facilitate or even completely automate the time-consuming process of creating new stories and their visualization. My project will consist of text generation (plot generation using GPT2 models); TTS models, and Music generation, like Jukebox or MusicComposer for the voice acting and creation of the soundtrack for the video story; the final one is video generation using CLIP + BIGGAN; SuperResolution for upsampling all captions
In the end, it will automatically combine images and music together to a video as the final output! It needs T4 GPU for running smoothly, really looking forward to having community GPU grant support!

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