DepremOCR (PaddleOCR optimized inference pipeline)

by Goodsea - opened
Deprem Yapay Zeka org
No description provided.
Goodsea changed pull request status to open
Deprem Yapay Zeka org

Tesekkurler goodsea

Lutfen package test edilmeden merge etmeyelim

Following the creation of this PR, an ephemeral Space spaces-ci-bot/deprem-ml-deprem-ocr-ci-pr-6 has been launched. Any changes pushed to this PR will be synced with the test Space.

If your Space requires configuration (secrets or upgraded hardware), you must duplicate the ephemeral Space to your account and configure the settings by yourself. You are responsible of making sure that the changes introduced in the PR are not harmful (leak secrets, run malicious scripts,...).

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Goodsea changed pull request status to closed

PR is now merged/closed. The ephemeral Space has been deleted.

(This is an automated message.)

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