Discord bot

by stiksoni09 - opened

Is there a Discord bot for this? i wanna screw around with some friends.

but there is an alternate AI discord bot. Find it yourself

try both of them

I recommend Midjourney. Wombo is improving. Keep an eye out for Stability Diffusion by Stability.Ai. It sounds like open source Dall-E2 without the filters.

Wombo sucks fr

wombo just generates Landscapes

It's really impoved

Nope it didn't, Wombo is worse, they got greedy.. besides the Stable Diffusion Beta is out. Wonder Ai Premium is much better if you want an app

I have the app. Its cool. You should really try Playgroundai.com. I've been using it for about 2 weeks now. They have so many options for free.

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