long prompts/shaders/dynamic lights and shadows = best results

by JackBest - opened

So try to make a gold coin at the bottom of the ocean with sharks circling and with a a pirate ship ontop of the water in the background, ive tried and can’t, im no good with promps

Very realistic

So try to make a gold coin at the bottom of the ocean with sharks circling and with a a pirate ship ontop of the water in the background, ive tried and can’t, im no good with promps


Man this looks like dall e 2 lol. Its so good

Man this looks like dall e 2 lol. Its so good


Dall-e 2 closeup prompt:

4K HD, very detailed, hyperrealism, hyper Realistic, photo realistic, 4k ultra realistic, no imperfections, real, no abstract, dynamic light, dynamic shadows, raytracing, very detailed sunrays, hyper realistic texture, hyper realistic skin, hyper realistic quality, detailed background, shaders

can you post some more prompt for full body pictures

like some good prompts to make sure the face is realistic and not distorted

like some good prompts to make sure the face is realistic and not distorted

theres two ways to fix the faces distortion:

  1. put "close-up to X"
  2. Use this: Artstation style = high detail : ( subject =highly detailed man face +(anatomically correct features + (highly detailed = man face )+((highly detailed and anatomically correct (realistic and highly detailed + anatomically correct shaped ),highly detailed and anatomically correct nose ,highly detailed and anatomically correct mouth)))

can you post some more prompt for full body pictures


Very realistic

JackBest changed discussion status to closed
JackBest changed discussion status to open

misclicked lol


like some good prompts to make sure the face is realistic and not distorted

And the model will update soon again and it will get even better, thats gonna blow up

so how often do updates roll out?
also I see that at the bottom of the page it say's Premium access, when is that supposed to roll out

btw do u have twitter?

im confused what oes any of this mean??
theres two ways to fix the faces distortion:

put "close-up to X"
Use this: Artstation style = high detail : ( subject =highly detailed man face +(anatomically correct features + (highly detailed = man face )+((highly detailed and anatomically correct (realistic and highly detailed + anatomically correct shaped ),highly detailed and anatomically correct nose ,highly detailed and anatomically correct mouth)))

The Last update was 14 days ago, i dont know the next date of update but i know that the updates will come probably soon

yes i have twitter

so how often do updates roll out?
also I see that at the bottom of the page it say's Premium access, when is that supposed to roll out

i dont know

yes i have twitter

my username is Jackploshi

im confused what oes any of this mean??
theres two ways to fix the faces distortion:

put "close-up to X"
Use this: Artstation style = high detail : ( subject =highly detailed man face +(anatomically correct features + (highly detailed = man face )+((highly detailed and anatomically correct (realistic and highly detailed + anatomically correct shaped ),highly detailed and anatomically correct nose ,highly detailed and anatomically correct mouth)))

ways to fix face distortion

Don't think you really need most of that to be honest

Don't think you really need most of that to be honest

why would i use a smile in an astronaut picture

just saying you dont always need a ton of those descriptive terms to get results

just saying you dont always need a ton of those descriptive terms to get results

Well said. I agree 100% and it's been proven that sometimes less is more with Dalle mini

Holy crap, this New Ai is much better, im shocked. Stable diffusion prompts of cars made of various things
Car made of dirt.png
Tank made of wood.png
Car made of strawberry.png
Car made of grass.png
Car made of diamond.png
Car made of crystal.png
Car made of wood.png
Car made of sausage.png
Car made of bricks.png
Car made of fur (2).png
Car made of fur (1).png

Told ya!!
I spent all credits on these images. Very dissapointed by the greed. I wish stable diffusion had freedom. Craiyon is gold after all. Best image generator without credits.

craiyon is good but it needs severe work since its only creating images from images that exist plus the face are trash

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another thing i dont like is how freaking long it take. it takes 60 for 9 images where as dreamstudio takes 15 seconds

As always, Ya gets what ya pays for...

Craiyon is gold for being free and not greedy unlike other generators. Its the best free generator

another thing i dont like is how freaking long it take. it takes 60 for 9 images where as dreamstudio takes 15 seconds

Pay to get images, yeah of cource it will take small time for stable diffusion

no i mean Craiyon.ai take so long

no i mean Craiyon.ai take so long
Because its free without credits and is not very powerful unlike stable diffusion. But it worth it

do they ever plan on making a faster version like a paid version

Its just 50 seconds. You just have to be patient. That not really that much

no its not but it would be nice if it was a little faster so that it could observe whats changing so i can change my prompts as needed quickly

One image generating every 5 seconds and in total of 9 images it will take 45 seconds. I dont think thats slow

oh true true

Damn dreamstudio is better than craiyon
Mario smiling while shooting with a gun on the birds.png

if you want the NSFW version.
basically the version without filters( please don't generate anything you would be embarrassed to show others)https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1jUwJ0owjigpG-9m6AI_wEStwimisUE17#scrollTo=_Y6RXjS1tTji

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