Donald J Trump

by WillEMakit - opened

I just changed a few words from @xDoomedEar ’s Homer Simpson prompt.

Prompts used - "Donald J Trump", "Realistic", "highly detailed eyes", "highly detailed face", digital art, 8k, HD, octane render, unreal engine, 3D shading, subsurface scattering, limited concentration, iteration 1000000, professional portrait


Good prompt. It's hard to get a image of Trump where he's not scowling. Conversely, it's hard to get an image of Biden where he's not smirking.

Good prompt. It's hard to get a image of Trump where he's not scowling. Conversely, it's hard to get an image of Biden where he's not smirking.

Now THAT is true and funny

I see way to many trump/biden/obama posts every day on this forum. Yall need to give it a rest with the presidents.

I see way to many trump/biden/obama posts every day on this forum. Yall need to give it a rest with the presidents.

That’s fair. I haven’t seen any, but I also don’t look on here often. Resting the subject moving forward.

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I'll tell you why examining images of presidents is important. Because the left is constantly screaming about so-called "bias" in artificial intelligence. Doing presidents such as Trump and Biden and seeing how they are treated is one way of checking this AI for "bias". If the left can scream their asses off about shit like "bias" all the time, we can certainly play the same ball game.

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