Modifiers for skeleton roofers

by MrPopo - opened

Ran one today adding 8k, realistic and one a month ago with no modifiers. I don't see a big change


I think the hyper realistic part helped more than the 8k. The tiles in the bottom one are way better, it actually looks like a plausible roof and the skeleton isn't great in either but in the bottom one there are more complete parts. I think the colouring in the bottom one is better too, top ones white balance is off.

not up to OSHA standards, where's the harness? lol yeah, it's not gonna render 8k, you may wanna try adding photoreal, or photograph, etc, if you really wanted to get into it, you can feed it camera settings too. This thing is mad addicting lol But I def gotta show my buddies these! He said he's gonna roof til he dies, I'm like literally you can't die, you'll just be roofing forever it seems hah

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