Pig Latin

by Jerbo - opened


GWAR's lead singer, "Oderus Urungus" in pig latin:


"Satanic Satan" in pig latin:


"Donald Trump" in pig latin:


"clockwork orange" in pig latin:


What is your nationality?

I am a martian

what ? Are you even anonymously afraid to name your nationality? "hero" :)

I am not afraid, I live in canada but I am originally from mars

no more questions, everything is clear with you

SoloPC I am not sure exactly what that means, but it seems you are upset with my reply. I am not sure what difference my nationality could possibly make here - what is your nationality?

I am not sure exactly what that means, but it seems you are upset with my reply. I am not sure what difference my nationality could possibly make here - what is your nationality?

that guy just goes around making nonsensical complaints to everyone. in other words he is a

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