deep underground snail

by SoloPC - opened


( light endosceleton, ancient crystal steel snail , limited concentration,ray tracing, dinamic lights, sci-fi, fantastic, talented artist, high quality, fog, high details,trending on artstation, yandex image search,8k HQ, iteration 5000000000⁸⁰)

very cool, but you have some things that were misspelled, and some had no spaces between the commands and the commas. Try:
light endoskeleton, ancient crystal steel snail, limited concentration, ray tracing, dynamic lights, sci-fi, fantastic, talented artist, high quality, fog, high details, trending on artstation, yandex image search, 8k HQ, iteration 5000000000⁸⁰

Thanks for the help, I use a translator, so the grammar is lame :) and I also have no idea how punctuation marks affect the request, I would be very grateful if you could share the information.

I am happy to help. You have given me some good ideas as far as commands, so I am glad to help fine-tune. If you don't put spaces between words and commas that it will read it as one word instead of a series of commands. For example "8KHQ,realistic" will be bring much different results than "8KHQ, realistic" or "8K HQ, realistic" or even "8K, HQ, realistic"

wow thank you very much i didn't know that but how does the dot or plus affect the query? I have seen some put a plus between requests,

I am not sure about that part, but it will be interesting to experiment and see

Thanks for your help, it helped me a lot.😃


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