Sexy? Dunno about that... 😢

by Antoine1968 - opened

why here she understands how the eyes should look, but not here? 🥲


Perhaps the eyes can't be sexy by themselves, without a mouth. But the mouth can)
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Does she really not understand this or is the problem in the description?🤔

I meant that the eyes are not designed to be sexual by nature, the mouth is designed for this, well, and some other parts, not on the face) there is such a theory

This does not mean that the eyes cannot be beautiful, it is just hard to express passion or desire with the eyes alone

noooo :)) , I'm not talking about the sexuality of the eyes, but about how to correctly describe the eyes so that they look harmonious with the face as a whole

I think the keyword will be symmetrical. This AI has obvious problems with eye symmetry.
Symmetry of facial features is a genetically determined sign of attractiveness

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It tries to do this, but it can't

I think the best solution to the problem is a profile)

I completely agree, as soon as symmetry was indicated, more or less normal results began to appear 🙂

why yall want girls to be sexual?🤨

what should they be? :)))

sexuality is precisely what makes them feminine, I don’t mean some kind of debauchery, namely femininity

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