door to another world

by SoloPC - opened



SoloPC changed discussion title from door to another word to door to another world

What does this 'Tranding on artstation' mean, I would like to know? This is some kind of ritual phrase, ja ne ponimaju voobsche?)

oooh friend this is a magic phrase that works wonders :))) I saw it from one youtuber who made cool images in Midnourney, I don’t know the exact meaning, but as far as I understood, it means to make images like on an art station, which are very highly rated, but I can be wrong

Oh, thanks, I'll try it if you please)

you can use not only this, but all the hints that I write :))

It really works, I swear by my magical talent)
Barbra Streisand without artstation

Без названия - 2022-07-29T090324.602.jpeg
And with one
Без названия - 2022-07-29T093837.861.jpeg


miracles 😄

I see a Stargate up in set two row 2 column 1

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