What do you get when you DON'T give it a prompt? I got...

by Pixtrameda - opened

I was curious if it was possible to run it on nothing. Apparently it is.
This is what I got with two runs.
Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 12.56.56.png
Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 12.59.00.png

Started to see some similar patterns emerging already.
The second run's middle left image actually gave me "nothing" LOL.
But what's this other stuff all about? Is it some esoteric representation of the void?
Perhaps the AI using the blank slate to do what it wants?

What is everyone else getting? I wonder if there is uniformity or not. Please post and share.

It's really interesting to see it produce many images of circles/symmetrical patterns, as well as its seeming affinity for the color orange.

It's really interesting to see it produce many images of circles/symmetrical patterns, as well as its seeming affinity for the color orange.

馃憢 Hey, Skibi. Good observations. Did you try running any blank prompts? If so, please post here for comparison. I'm curious if there is any variation possible between users.

I asked similar Qs a couple of weeks ago: https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini/discussions/12

Hi, MRB. I hadn't seen your post. Thanks. I was wondering if anyone else had tried a blank run before. Sounds like you got the same variety of images that I did.
I hadn't considered, as you did, that running a blank input would reveal innate bias. Where does it come from, I wonder...

I got this when running on blank prompt


Since I started trying days ago on every result this woman dressed in a sari appeared. I told @boris about it a few hours ago.

I also found this discussion: https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini/discussions/67







Since I started trying days ago on every result this woman dressed in a sari appeared. I told @boris about it a few hours ago.

@fernandomares ,
Thanks for running all of these. 馃檹 Yes, the "sari women" are ever present, aren't they?
The abstract art is quite nice I think. It also looks like some kind of Indian language in some images as well.

Please post again if Boris has anything to say about it.

I think it is likely that the "sari women" are popping up because somewhere in the training corpus there are a large number of similar photos that have blank descriptions, so blank prompts produce these results.

Thanks mrb, that does make sense.

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