How to almost completely fix the distortion of faces

by yodude - opened

I thought it was deliberate distortion

I don't know the technical terms but I think it has to do with a very limited "working memory". If it is a closeup it has more resources to devote to generating an accurate face - otherwise it just adds random details.


More very distorted faces


But then close ups improved it a lot


Close ups make a huge difference








ok why hitler. I'm just asking not for any intent other than a technical intent. i personally would use Winston Churchill due to his bald head and him also being seen with a hat alot of the time to see how that would mess with the data and the outcome. hitler was very consistent in his image making it not so demanding for the AI to create a unique image of him

another intersting point to see is the the lines on hitlers face (especially the top middle one ) i belive this is due to the weird lines and defects you would see in old films. which would effect the data if they weren't ignored. also if anyone knows, how does historical propaganda effect the outcome of the images. I thought of this because of the middle left one having a fractured mustache which was common for hitler to have in american propaganda films whenever he would show anger or excitement

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