Amazed and intrigued by the results i get

by arnopelzer - opened

I'm 58, Dutch, artist, and have been interested in the promise and possibilities of this technology (in a broader sense), since the start or at least since I knew it existed. I've always been interested and fascinated by technology, and especially by electronics. But I'm an artist without talent in programming, electronics. I tried, but it just doesn't work in my brain. But as an artist, I can play with it. And that's why I'm here, where I can play with it. And it's the first time I get results, that I can use, that get my mind going, that fit in my current ideas and give me the feeling of collaboration.

So, I started playing with this thing, like everybody, by trying to get, funny (for me), strange results by inputting combinations of famous people, conspiracy memes and drugs. Then I tried single words, band names, album titles, names of famous people. But then it got interesting. I started inputting elements of ideas and a project, I'm starting, with which I want to visually (at first) translate personal memories and locations from my life, in the sense of game design, especially level design and creature design, and world building. It's still in an early stage of brainstorming and sketching thoughts.

Well, let me show some pictures. I was raised in a province in the Netherlands, where they mined coal in the past, my father was a miner, my grandfather was a miner, I was different. Let's keep it at that.

Some of the first results:


I thought, okay, this is interesting. So then i tried single words, people, band names etc.


And I couldn't resist bringing in strangeness, so:


Then I thought about my project and started to test what this thing knows about. I used location, dates, and ideas I had, in a more poetic sense, an imagining of trauma and trouble in life. I also started experimenting with words for the style of the end result. And this is what we came up with (only a few examples of everything we generated, in random order):


craiyon_160205_closeup_fo_a_frightened_child_made_of_black_coal_crying_in_dark_tunnels_in_south_limb - kopie.png
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craiyon_162524_a_boy_made_of_black_coal_crying_in_a_dark_tunnel_in_south_limburg_in_1970_in_high_def - kopie.png
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craiyon_165843_closeup_of_frightened_boy_made_of_black_coal_falling_in_a_dark_mining_shaft_in_south_ - kopie.png
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craiyon_175115_a_closeup_of_a_statue_of_saint_barbara_made_of_black_coal_holding_a_teddybear_in_a_mi - kopie.png
craiyon_192712_a_black_and_white_of_saint_barbara_made_of_black_coal_holding_a_teddybear_and_nbsp__a - kopie.png
craiyon_222315_a_black_and_white_of_a_teddybear_and_a_foetus_climbing_a_black_coal_mountain_in_south - kopie.png
craiyon_223315_a_photorealistic_representation_in_high_definition_of_a_teddybear_and_a_foetus_on_a_b - kopie.png
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As a conclusion of this long post I would like to say that I love the innocence of the creation process of dalle-mini, it trying to understand what I'm saying, making its own thing from the input, the strangeness, a combination of input and that innocence, and the sometimes very interesting results it produces, when it doesn't understand (part) of the input. It is an inspiring experience. So, there you have it.

So now, I decided, I, at least, have to read about it. Trying to understand it better. We'll see. And in the end, playing is fine, as it is also a part of my process as an artist. So thank you for making this available.

This is actually pretty amazing. Good work figuring out how to make it do what you want. I've been doing kinda the same thing. In particular I've had this image in my mind of a headless person walking on a sidewalk with arms in a 'Jesus Christ' pose as this giant beatific looking head floats off into the clouds. This thing also makes some pretty epic album art that I'll be using for my music for a while. It probably won't be long before these AIs can produce far better results than what we're getting now. I know I'll be using them. Good luck with your art, friend, and please post more. This stuff really is quite creative and interesting.

It probably won't be long before these AIs can produce far better results than what we're getting now.

The ones that require an invite to access, like DALL-E 2 and PARTI, are already a lot better than what Craiyon is capable of.

I like the raw quality and "incompetence", or as i see it, innocence. I can work with that, it becomes a feedback loop, a process of going deeper and deeper, an exploration, a collaboration. And it provides me with images, I couldn't have imagined, but speak to me.

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