It Always Says "Too Much Traffic"

by bkjimena11 - opened

I always get a "Too Much Traffic" message when I try to run the program.

just keep resubmitting it until you get through

just keep resubmitting it until you get through

Bro that's cause to many people are using it, spam pinging the server doesn't help

just keep resubmitting it until you get through

Bro that's cause to many people are using it, spam pinging the server doesn't help

Actually does help as it gives you more chances to join queue

Tragedy of the commons.

I've left comments in multiple discussions on how to get it to work better.

What rarely works:

  • Spamming as fast as you can, either by click out the error and click Run over and over rarely works.
  • Holding down the ENTER key to exit the prompt and Run, is super faster than clicking, but this also rarely works.

What sometimes works (not for everyone):

  • Instead of spamming, delay your inputs. After every attempt, wait about 5-8 seconds and hit run again. Usually within 2-6 attempts I start generating images. Works great in high traffic times.

What always works:

  • Use it when time in the US is between 12AM-6AM. I very rarely run into any trouble in the early hours.

Hope this helps.

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