"wandb: Downloading large artifact mini-1:v0, 1673.43MB. 7 files..." showing twice during initialization

by Odair - opened

I have finally made it work on my notebook, according to the inference pipeline, but the message "wandb: Downloading large artifact mini-1:v0, 1673.43MB. 7 files..." shows twice every time I initialize it. Am I really downloading 1673.43MB twice every time I run it? How do I save this locally?

python3 dalle.py3

WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
wandb: (1) Create a W&B account
wandb: (2) Use an existing W&B account
wandb: (3) Don't visualize my results
wandb: Enter your choice: 3
wandb: You chose 'Don't visualize my results'
wandb: Downloading large artifact mini-1:v0, 1673.43MB. 7 files... Done. 0:0:0
wandb: Downloading large artifact mini-1:v0, 1673.43MB. 7 files... Done. 0:0:0
Prompt: sunset over a lake in the mountains

initialization: 96.99864625930786
first thumbnail finished: 756.0565547943115
2nd thumbnail finished: 1396.2134375572205

isn't it easier for you to run it in Google's colab? I think it's a very powerful machine and I also think it would save you a lot of time, I think so

Surely I'll try Google collaboration later on as it is impossible to use it productively on my current computer

DALLE mini org

It's normal if it shows twice. It's actually downloading only once and cached for use both in the model and the processor.

Odair changed discussion status to closed

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