How to draw an upside down cross?

by Vertigo - opened

I struggle getting the AI to draw me an upside down cross. I tried differend approaches (cross of saint peter, on its head, satanic...)
But I only get one occasionally drawn.
Is there a trick?

I also tried, i only got a cropped image of a st peter cross with white background on Shrek's forehead, no good for wanking.

I've found that it doesn't respond at all if I specify things pointed up, down, upside down, rotated, or mirrored, but it does respond to North. Without saying North every type of blade and anything else even remotely cross shaped always pointed down. This seems to do the trick with a kind-of cross shaped thing.
Also things that contain a cross with a longer part on top is achievable. I couldn't make the ring go away though.

Almost..just need to crop out the top half


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