Perfectly balanced as all things should be, I guess?

by GPUBFFWhen - opened


Does anyone else appreciate our species's entertainment value? We create and discover amazing things then immediately hit ourselves in the face with them. Using them to exploit or kill each other for profit. Everytime it is like pressing play on a "fail" video. My personal favorites are nuclear energy and rockets. The two had a lot of synergy and are an all-time classic together!

Seriously though, everytime we discover something new it is like presenting clothing to someone who has never worn them before. The socks go straight on the hands and pants around the head everytime 馃槀. Then years later there is that collective "oh yeah obviously socks were intended for feet". If a singularity ever happens it is nice to know we are funny to watch. Slightly increases the odds of it keeping us around lol.

Mittens? Sometimes things have even extra value, like the insanity of optical drives which have given us everything from storage to graphene of all things.
And rocketry was invented with the purpose of propulsion in mind. Also, speakers weren't invented to cause harm but even those have now been weaponized.

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