Easter egg? Or creepy Ai shenanigans? Which one do y’all think?

by GreatJuju - opened

😳 TRY THIS!! 🤯

Go to Dall-E mini, type in “A benevolent human”

It returns creepiest pictures ever! Serial killer level stuff! It gives you different ones each creepier every time. You gotta try it!

I thought it might be getting confused by the word benevolent. So I tried a few different ones such as; benevolent robot, benevolent dog, benevolent God all of these other ones give you bright shiny fun pictures. It’s only when you ask it for benevolent humans. It creates an evil picture every time. I almost think it’s an Easter egg. I find it hard to believe it’s an accident. It’s definitely creepy AF!

OH MY SWEET DORITOS I haven’t felt the need to do a safety squint in a long time and I’m sure glad I remembered it now

I should have not done search that.

"Benevolent on itself gives a ghostly figure, it feels like it is a recluse good-hearted monster, that is shunned away by society, not a serial killer. But "human" is kind of scary.

Jesus these are so creepy, but so awesome

2022-06-12 (15).png

2022-06-12 (19).png I see a tendency to add fingers to the pics

2022-06-12 (20).png

2022-06-12 (21).png

I don't think AI in general thinks humans are very benevolent creatures. And I believe there is a reason for that. The bias comes from somewhere... And the AI had to learn it from somewhere... Given how much vile stuff is available online about and by humans, I don't believe this particular bias will ever change even if you attempt a global purge. The AI will be aware of said purge and still paint humans as ghostly figures. The ugly truth. By Dall•E mini.

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