SO MANY community posts...

by KingCodaYT - opened an inordinate amount

Last night I made Community post #82 <-- (click here for more details) outlining the 3 reasons why so many people have been experiencing the "too much traffic issue", as well as listing a few alternatives to Dall-e.

I then woke up this morning to find that there are now 100 more discussions opened up while I was asleep for 5 hours (don't ask why I only slept for 5 hours, editing videos is a sleepless job)

Most of the posts were people who were able to get their requests through and decided to share.

Quite a few of them were from children who probably weren't even conceived before FNAF 2 was released

A couple were very racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

I decided to ignore those ones and move on with my life.

I'm going to make an attempt to summarise:

Yes, there is too much traffic

Yes, we know there is too much traffic

No, you do not need to make the 187th post complaining about how there is too much traffic. There are already 186 other posts that say the exact same thing which you do not need to reiterate.

However if you feel like your contribution to the "TOO MUCH TRAFFIC" post mass will help the creator to recognise this issue, then post away, you're not hurting anyone by doing that (mostly).

But I'm pretty sure Mr. Dayma is VERY aware

That's all.

Have a great day everyone

Over 7000 languages, and you chose to speak facts

Over 7000 languages, and you chose to speak facts

Just trying to keep it 100

i was the first one to say that

I can't even imagine what the server-costs would be if this thing ran at capacity right now. Yikes.

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