Request Time

by bowie - opened

After clicking the button, how long should it take with low trafic before returning images?

I've timed it as short as ~12s. 17s is more usual, more than 30s and you may be wasting your time, ~50s is the longest I've seen it go where it actually returns a result.

bowie changed discussion status to closed

is not working anymore why?

I correct myself the times are longer now you have to wait 70s

DALLE mini org

We had very high load sustained for several hours. We've made some changes and it should be better now. We have also reduced the variability in response time, all requests should take about the same time instead of some being very fast and others very slow. We are currently seeing a response time of ~30s, but it will vary depending on load.

Too much traffic, please try again.

two minute papers posted a video on youtube talking about DALLE2 and had a link here in the video description... so prepare to get flooded for a while.

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