I've recently discovered you can basically create your own backrooms level (Feel free to add your own)

by flamango - opened

one more of these lol

Wow I can't believe the ai can do this 🗿

Try using some famous architects as part of your prompt like the ones who design those futuristic looking rich people houses

genius trying that

Try using some famous architects as part of your prompt like the ones who design those futuristic looking rich people houses

first of all hi thunderjames, master of making the ai look good,
second of all, i will definitely try doing this, thank you for the suggestion!! i dont know any architects so this will have to be something I look up lol

just watch some youtube videos about it
and try something like this

Most off the stuff you see I got from watching and reading about photography in the last day
Architect name style: and go one as you do
Thanks for the kind words

HD, high detail photograph,shot with SONY 35 mm F/4.5 Gmaster, long exposure, Logged Cabin style: (subject= Themed Backrooms Level + subject detail= open interior, bright lit, high texture detail, high detailed light refraction , high level texture render, light shining in, soft light)


Red Room with chevron floor (Twin Peaks)


Red Room with zig zag floor (Twin Peaks)

also has a particular dark backroom vibe



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