I wish Noobs didn't clutter the community board...

by CaptainKif - opened

Go put your images under the corresponding discussion... Like the "Horror Thread" for horror related images. Making new discussions and just slapping your one run of 9 images is wasting space on this page, and it makes it look like you have mental divergence of sorts and can't focus. You make this page unbearable to go through.

no idiots like you make this page unbearable

Sorry Professor

no idiots like you make this page unbearable


yeah because if it was wrong it would be in the rules so who gives a fucking shit

yeah because if it was wrong it would be in the rules so who gives a fucking shit

bro just learned his first curse word lmao
imagine arguing on a community thread for AI generated images

i know every curse word you fucking slut and technically you started it so your the nigger asshole


also go fuck your self

go fuck your self

i know every curse word you fucking slut and technically you started it so your the nigger asshole

Please shut up Andrew.

go fuck your self

nope you started it

also go fuck your self

finna smack the goofy outta you

go fuck your self

go fuck your self

go fuck your self

finna smack yo bruh what state you live in ill pull up and beat yo ass up

you nigger your to fucking stupid to figure out where I live

youre banned kid

i hope you get fucking banned for agreeing with stupid nigger horseshit

ur banned kid enjoy ur last moments

Grim being unnecessarily obscene 🗿

Grim being unnecessarily obscene 🗿

he started it

he started it

Don’t be racist. I am a building.

I love that video lol also I just wanted to say sorry maybe I overreacted

Overreacted? You spammed racist slurs and admitted to being an absolute horrible human being, that wasnt a mistake, you deserve a ban and youre pathetic for trying to save face and act like you were just accidentally racist. Nobody forced you to act like that, youre just a piece of shit.

I'm not a racist first of all just because someone says something on the internet doesn't mean anything also I have a black friend also having an ideology doesn't make you a bad person it's what you do with that ideology that makes you a bad person its one thing to think something it's another to actually do it and I'm not a piece of shit I'm probably a better person than you and also I never said I didn't deserve that ban because I do

also, the bible says to forgive people as many times as they need so you are not a true Christian if you don't forgive me so your sinning by not forgiving me so your not much better than I am

Please don’t bring Christianity into this

@g1grimlock89 , thanks Andrew Novak, for admitting that you honestly believe that you just get to say whatever you want with no consequences or repercussions.

You repeatedly used hate-speech and acted like a petulent child. You are so beyond pathetic it is unreal, you are going to have some nasty karma in your life... I'm pretty sure the bible also says to love your neighbor and in this context that would mean trying not to be a racist asshole and then start crying like a baby and trying to say "i didnt mean it" when you clearly did. I am 100% a better person than you on the basis that I dont start using racist hate-speech the second I feel threatened or get my precious feelings hurt. You are the worst, and you manage to keep proving to me you are an even worse person every time you reply.

Puma pants has spoken. I’d find it hard to conjure up a better comeback to counter it.

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