Too much traffic

by Owner - opened

Did someone popular stream it again

It was posted on 4ch

4chan? Oh god.

oh no...

They ruin everything :D

Yeah there were two threads going yesterday. One today.

The one I saw was on /g/. Do people actually go on /b/?

I also saw it on a few discord servers.

What are we gonna do now?

Why does 4chan get their grubby little paws into everything good in the world

I dont think it was malicious, they didnt make to posts for the sole intention to overload the AI. Someone made a thread about it which got popular and it spread to other boards.

2 Minute Papers uploaded a video about AI and mentioned it


nevermind it stopped

2 Minute Papers got a hold of it
RIP time to run it on my machine

I use it also to create bizarre memes to share with friends about conversations we have, like "was Jesus sexy and was he a 4 or a 7". I fear the AI getting 'too good' and loosing the mild absurdity within returned results.

If they start the singularity istg

god damn you 4chan i just want to generate mimigas

cant believe i used this before it got popular lol 15th thread out of 4k

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