Come say hello to your one true God, or walk away into the flaming licks of Hell!

by MayaKiri - opened

What do you have to say for yourself you worthless sinner?

Just look at what Jesus did for you. He did this out of His love for you. I wouldn't be shocked if you weren't crying right now, or even on your knees at this very moment praying, "Thank you Jesus for giving your life for me to wash away my sins, and I shall accept you as my lord and savior."

You have a choice to make things right at this very moment.

Accept him into your heart right now. Look at Him and say, "I love you, Jesus!"

Now go forth, stranger, find the right path. Amen.

Welcome Duki Nuki, I know you're not laughing at Jesus Christ, or even laughing at this post, no.... You're laughing at the sinners who choose to disobey the direct order of God!

Well keep laughing! Rejoice that you and I are the ones reaching for the golden light, while everyone else will be baking pies without an oven!

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