Try to copy the picture that won a competition & was also created by an AI.

by HeDidItAgain - opened

Try to copy the picture that won a competition & was also created by an AI.


I love craiyon, but it is a lesser tool. Nevertheless, Its a good challenge, and I'll give it a try. Some facts about the winning image. Its not really midjourney. He got the image he liked, after 80 hours and 900 iterations! He cleaned it up in photoshop, removed some things and added heads to the women, then used gigapixel to upscale the resolution. Then he shipped to a printing company to spit out the image on canvas. It was entered in art contest for digitally altered photographs or computer graphics. There was no deceit involved. Some of the judges did not know what midjourney was, but they said that didn't change their opinion that it was the best piece. Finally, it was the Colorado state fair, so perhaps there was low competition. What Mr. Allen did was be first with showing how good these programs are, or at least how good Midjourney is. As a businessman who usually purchases art for his games, AI offers a cheaper source. While he didn't say it, it's the 80/20 rule. You can get 80% of what you want in a graphic image through these programs. So, back to your challenge. I'll post my response, but I'll do it the same way. I'll edit it, modify it in other programs, upscale it, and then share it.

I'm super excited 馃槂!!!

Wait a minute, here....hold the phone...just one second...let me get this straight...
they are givin' out prizes for makin' this crap!?!
Have they not seen my work here at this website forum thingee?!?!
I call this masterpiece, "A Naked and Heavily Sedated Danny DeVito"
naked and heavily medicated Danny DeVito.png
I'll be awaiting my prize package. Does it come FedEx or UPS?

LOL, I like your Devito. I'm not sure Craiyon is up to the task but Midjourney and Stable Diffusion might be.

Well, the biggest hurdle to Craiyon seems to be the limted size of its output. Every now and again I like one I like.


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