mmmmmmmm cow

by firefoxly - opened

i look up mmmmmmm cow and got

anybody want to talk about something interesting with me.

like starwars or memes or weird pics.

Kind of.. And also, fellow furry here, when I saw that thumbnail, y'all had me shocked lol

I was just looking to make a few, harmless Miley Cyrus pictures. Somehow, this one came up. So, I figured it was...
Elsie the Cow, Feminist Artist.jpg
Why am I posting this here? Because of the cow. Which brings up another important point.
If you know any cows, ask them to stop farting. Not for me, but for my little friend.:
It just pisses her off to no end.
Good night and God bless!

Crazy how Ai do that

@nashthenumber1 do you wanna talk to me now.

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