A donkey shitting a steaming pile of Rolex gold watches full of manure ???

by AerialTheShamen - opened

donkey poops Rolex watches7.jpeg

It seems to be really difficult to make the AI draw a version of the gold-shitting donkey that produces a pile of luxury Rolex gold watches full of steaming dung/manure coming out of its butt. I tried hard, but either there is no manure or no watches and it refuses to show a donkey defecating or simply in rear view.


Gold falling down "under the donkey tail" showed nuggets under a plant (of that name?), but "under the tail of the donkey" at least shows it together with donkeys. These are yet the best examples, although none is really a "gold donkey" like those from a known fairy tale.



This proves that the AI seems to intuitively understand things those fit together or won't be considered tasteful to combine, even when it hasn't seen them.

So the illustrations of my gothic short story "Odem" worked very well, despite trance suits are an uncommon niche type of spirituality, and the combination with pipe organs were certainly something it never heard before.

see here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini/discussions/10126#632e8a99183321090a638de4

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