500 err?

by beomi - opened

It seems it's not working right now

Core ML Projects org

Hi there! Thanks for reporting, we're looking into it :)

Core ML Projects org

Fixed! 🤗

Xenova changed discussion status to closed

Seems like it's stopped again! 🫢

beomi changed discussion status to open
Core ML Projects org

Fixed again 😅...

@Xenova OOps,,, it seems dead again. what's going on? is there critical problem? 🥺
Or could you guide me how to replicate this space(and the backend)?
(I've tried on local machine but it shows that err rate > 0.1 so the conversion fails, so if this conversion script and config/envs are stable, I'd like to use it)

Core ML Projects org

Hi @beomi , it's up again. I think people are trying to convert very large models and the backend computer may not have enough resources to handle them. We'll set a maximum size limit to avoid this from affecting others.

What model are you trying to convert?

Core ML Projects org

The Space didn't crash in the past 10 days, closing this issue. Feel free to open a new one if necessary!

pcuenq changed discussion status to closed

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