Does it save the history or state ?

by ysharma HF staff - opened

Hi @chansung , This is brilliant work! Thanks for building this up so quickly. I noticed a couple of things with this app -

  1. I am curious if the chatbot is storing the state (I mean to store the conversation up to a point in the present). The messages appear to be simply coming from a text generator when given a prompt. These are two consecutive chat images.
    First) image.png
    Second) image.png

  2. The older chat messages are not visible in the chatbot window. This could be related to the first issue, that the state might not be getting appropriately stored in the first place.


I was exploring it is possible to do gradio charbot streaming while keeping chat history internally and displayed. Any advice?

Also This is incomplete app yet, but I am going to mimic how it behaves based on the ChatGPT so there is a code statement to hold the history

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