Please discuss any bug here

by ccolas - opened

There are some issues sometimes and I haven't identified how they occur. If you encounter any bug, please comment with the youtube url / music file that you used as input and report the error logs.


Why are here an "unsafe files"?
unsafe files

And of all, how to use this?

I think all pickles are flagged as unsafe now, because someone realized they could be used in malicious ways. I've created them myself, there is nothing wrong with them.

The demo is now up again. Pytube is however bugging with the latest YouTube fixes so the youtube input doesn't work. I'd need to update the pytube code directly after installing it. But the mp3/midi upload should work.

@ccolas This still doesn't work. I've uploaded an .mp3 file and this shows an error:


Hi Peter, I should be able to find some time this week end to fix all this. I will report here when it's done.

Ok that should work now

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