The image file linked from the top is locked

by whitphx HF staff - opened

The URL in the top image returns 403.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>JS4JT0ER6HK298B3</RequestId><HostId>9+9fbGWj/ckPw92/0fvWWsrXoJRDnsnP59AtY22VibD2f5bgayE9s44Yjan4/miYr2/FjRt/3Wk=</HostId></Error>

Yes, access is now denied ..
I originally copy / pasted the app from but I cant' remember which one it was !

Oh, understood.
So you don't need to maintain this spaces so much.

BTW, probably the original was:, though its link is also broken now.

Fixed !

cbensimon changed discussion status to closed

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