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from predict import predict_no_ui
from toolbox import CatchException, report_execption, write_results_to_file, predict_no_ui_but_counting_down, get_conf
import re, requests, unicodedata, os
def download_arxiv_(url_pdf):
if '' not in url_pdf:
if ('.' in url_pdf) and ('/' not in url_pdf):
new_url = ''+url_pdf
print('下载编号:', url_pdf, '自动定位:', new_url)
# download_arxiv_(new_url)
return download_arxiv_(new_url)
return None
if 'abs' in url_pdf:
url_pdf = url_pdf.replace('abs', 'pdf')
url_pdf = url_pdf + '.pdf'
url_abs = url_pdf.replace('.pdf', '').replace('pdf', 'abs')
title, other_info = get_name(_url_=url_abs)
paper_id = title.split()[0] # '[1712.00559]'
if '2' in other_info['year']:
title = other_info['year'] + ' ' + title
known_conf = ['NeurIPS', 'NIPS', 'Nature', 'Science', 'ICLR', 'AAAI']
for k in known_conf:
if k in other_info['comment']:
title = k + ' ' + title
download_dir = './gpt_log/arxiv/'
os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True)
title_str = title.replace('?', '?')\
.replace(':', ':')\
.replace('\"', '“')\
.replace('\n', '')\
.replace(' ', ' ')\
.replace(' ', ' ')
requests_pdf_url = url_pdf
file_path = download_dir+title_str
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# print('返回缓存文件')
# return './gpt_log/arxiv/'+title_str
proxies, = get_conf('proxies')
r = requests.get(requests_pdf_url, proxies=proxies)
with open(file_path, 'wb+') as f:
# print('输出下载命令:','aria2c -o \"%s\" %s'%(title_str,url_pdf))
#'aria2c --all-proxy=\"\" -o \"%s\" %s'%(download_dir+title_str,url_pdf), shell=True)
x = "%s %s %s.bib" % (paper_id, other_info['year'], other_info['authors'])
x = x.replace('?', '?')\
.replace(':', ':')\
.replace('\"', '“')\
.replace('\n', '')\
.replace(' ', ' ')\
.replace(' ', ' ')
return './gpt_log/arxiv/'+title_str, other_info
def get_name(_url_):
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# arxiv_recall = {}
# if os.path.exists('./arxiv_recall.pkl'):
# with open('./arxiv_recall.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# arxiv_recall = pickle.load(f)
# if _url_ in arxiv_recall:
# print('在缓存中')
# return arxiv_recall[_url_]
proxies, = get_conf('proxies')
res = requests.get(_url_, proxies=proxies)
bs = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
other_details = {}
# get year
year = bs.find_all(class_='dateline')[0].text
year ='(\d{4})', year, re.M | re.I).group(1)
other_details['year'] = year
abstract = bs.find_all(class_='abstract mathjax')[0].text
other_details['abstract'] = abstract
other_details['year'] = ''
# get author
authors = bs.find_all(class_='authors')[0].text
authors = authors.split('Authors:')[1]
other_details['authors'] = authors
other_details['authors'] = ''
# get comment
comment = bs.find_all(class_='metatable')[0].text
real_comment = None
for item in comment.replace('\n', ' ').split(' '):
if 'Comments' in item:
real_comment = item
if real_comment is not None:
other_details['comment'] = real_comment
other_details['comment'] = ''
other_details['comment'] = ''
title_str = BeautifulSoup(
res.text, 'html.parser').find('title').contents[0]
print('获取成功:', title_str)
# arxiv_recall[_url_] = (title_str+'.pdf', other_details)
# with open('./arxiv_recall.pkl', 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(arxiv_recall, f)
return title_str+'.pdf', other_details
def 下载arxiv论文并翻译摘要(txt, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, systemPromptTxt, WEB_PORT):
CRAZY_FUNCTION_INFO = "下载arxiv论文并翻译摘要,函数插件作者[binary-husky]。正在提取摘要并下载PDF文档……"
import glob
import os
# 基本信息:功能、贡献者
chatbot.append(["函数插件功能?", CRAZY_FUNCTION_INFO])
yield chatbot, history, '正常'
# 尝试导入依赖,如果缺少依赖,则给出安装建议
import pdfminer, bs4
report_execption(chatbot, history,
a = f"解析项目: {txt}",
b = f"导入软件依赖失败。使用该模块需要额外依赖,安装方法```pip install --upgrade pdfminer beautifulsoup4```。")
yield chatbot, history, '正常'
# 清空历史,以免输入溢出
history = []
# 提取摘要,下载PDF文档
pdf_path, info = download_arxiv_(txt)
report_execption(chatbot, history,
a = f"解析项目: {txt}",
b = f"下载pdf文件未成功")
yield chatbot, history, '正常'
# 翻译摘要等
i_say = f"请你阅读以下学术论文相关的材料,提取摘要,翻译为中文。材料如下:{str(info)}"
i_say_show_user = f'请你阅读以下学术论文相关的材料,提取摘要,翻译为中文。论文:{pdf_path}'
chatbot.append((i_say_show_user, "[Local Message] waiting gpt response."))
yield chatbot, history, '正常'
msg = '正常'
# ** gpt request **
gpt_say = yield from predict_no_ui_but_counting_down(i_say, i_say_show_user, chatbot, top_p, temperature, history=[]) # 带超时倒计时
chatbot[-1] = (i_say_show_user, gpt_say)
history.append(i_say_show_user); history.append(gpt_say)
yield chatbot, history, msg
# 写入文件
import shutil
# 重置文件的创建时间
shutil.copyfile(pdf_path, f'./gpt_log/{os.path.basename(pdf_path)}'); os.remove(pdf_path)
res = write_results_to_file(history)
chatbot.append(("完成了吗?", res + "\n\nPDF文件也已经下载"))
yield chatbot, history, msg