Getting error on Extractive question answering evaluation of dataset openassistant-guanaco by timdettmers on 🤗model evaluator. Please help.

by harshraj - opened

I am getting following error when trying to do extractive question answering on the openassistant dataset. Please guide me how to do the model evaluation.

HTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url:
File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/streamlit/scriptrunner/", line 554, in _run_script
exec(code, module.dict)
File "/home/user/app/", line 233, in
rows_resp = http_get(
File "/home/user/app/", line 61, in http_get
File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)

harshraj changed discussion status to closed

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