Remove version restriction on huggingface-hub

by ejschwartz - opened

This should (hopefully) fix a problem that some datasets are missing from the list of datasets, because the old version of huggingface-hub does not know how to deal with pagination.

thanks @ejschwartz , tagging @lewtun for visibility

Evaluation on the Hub org

Thanks for opening the PR. Could you update the line to huggingface_hub>=0.11? It is in this version that the support for paginated output has been introduced (see changelog).

For a PR review itself, I don't really have rights/context on the repo but usage of huggingface_hub in this Space seems ok to me and shouldn't break by jumping from 0.8 to latest (or 0.11).

@Wauplin Done!

i think this looks good, let's merge and see? ( @lewtun is focused on something else right now so i think we can just merge and see)

julien-c changed pull request status to merged

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