This should fix the runtime error.

Nevermind, it doesn't. It appears that it's connection to 350m is a bit broken. The old Pygmalion colab, or at least the code to it works, but I'm not able to make it into a space because their code uses wget. Let me try something real quick, I'll try to use 2.7b with this repo.

OSError: models/pygmalion-2.7b does not appear to have a file named config.json. Checkout ''

!!! The OG repo on github was fixed, here's an example I'm currently using via that code: Feel free to clone or duplicate it as you wish, I've included a GPT4All LoRA as a bonus. You can upload models into the space files to add them now, which is quicker than using the space to download it. Enjoy!

antonovmaxim changed pull request status to merged

Okay, thanks a lot. I like your space. I will try to fix mine in the near future.

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