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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 João Felipe Santos,
# This file is part of the SRMRpy library, and is licensed under the
# MIT license:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
#from scipy.signal import hamming
from import hamming
from .hilbert import hilbert
from .modulation_filters import compute_modulation_cfs, modulation_filterbank,\
from gammatone.fftweight import fft_gtgram
from gammatone.filters import centre_freqs, make_erb_filters, erb_filterbank
from scores.srmr.segmentaxis import segment_axis
from import read as readwav
def calc_erbs(low_freq, fs, n_filters):
ear_q = 9.26449 # Glasberg and Moore Parameters
min_bw = 24.7
order = 1
erbs = ((centre_freqs(fs, n_filters, low_freq)/ear_q)**order
+ min_bw**order)**(1/order)
return erbs
def calc_cutoffs(cfs, fs, q):
# Calculates cutoff frequencies (3 dB) for 2nd order bandpass
w0 = 2*np.pi*cfs/fs
B0 = np.tan(w0/2)/q
L = cfs - (B0 * fs / (2*np.pi))
R = cfs + (B0 * fs / (2*np.pi))
return L, R
def normalize_energy(energy, drange=30.0):
peak_energy = np.max(np.mean(energy, axis=0))
min_energy = peak_energy*10.0**(-drange/10.0)
energy[energy < min_energy] = min_energy
energy[energy > peak_energy] = peak_energy
return energy
def cal_SRMR(x, fs, n_cochlear_filters=23, low_freq=125, min_cf=4, max_cf=128,
fast=True, norm=False):
wLengthS = .256
wIncS = .064
# Computing gammatone envelopes
if fast:
mfs = 400.0
gt_env = fft_gtgram(x, fs, 0.010, 0.0025, n_cochlear_filters, low_freq)
cfs = centre_freqs(fs, n_cochlear_filters, low_freq)
fcoefs = make_erb_filters(fs, cfs)
gt_env = np.abs(hilbert(erb_filterbank(x, fcoefs)))
mfs = fs
wLength = int(np.ceil(wLengthS*mfs))
wInc = int(np.ceil(wIncS*mfs))
# Computing modulation filterbank with Q = 2 and 8 channels
mod_filter_cfs = compute_modulation_cfs(min_cf, max_cf, 8)
MF = modulation_filterbank(mod_filter_cfs, mfs, 2)
n_frames = int(1 + (gt_env.shape[1] - wLength)//wInc)
w = hamming(wLength+1)[:-1] # window is periodic, not symmetric
energy = np.zeros((n_cochlear_filters, 8, n_frames))
for i, ac_ch in enumerate(gt_env):
mod_out = modfilt(MF, ac_ch)
for j, mod_ch in enumerate(mod_out):
mod_out_frame = segment_axis(mod_ch, wLength,
energy[i, j, :] = np.sum((w*mod_out_frame[:n_frames])**2, axis=1)
if norm:
energy = normalize_energy(energy)
erbs = np.flipud(calc_erbs(low_freq, fs, n_cochlear_filters))
avg_energy = np.mean(energy, axis=2)
total_energy = np.sum(avg_energy)
AC_energy = np.sum(avg_energy, axis=1)
AC_perc = AC_energy*100/total_energy
AC_perc_cumsum = np.cumsum(np.flipud(AC_perc))
K90perc_idx = np.where(AC_perc_cumsum > 90)[0][0]
BW = erbs[K90perc_idx]
cutoffs = calc_cutoffs(mod_filter_cfs, fs, 2)[0]
if (BW > cutoffs[4]) and (BW < cutoffs[5]):
Kstar = 5
elif (BW > cutoffs[5]) and (BW < cutoffs[6]):
Kstar = 6
elif (BW > cutoffs[6]) and (BW < cutoffs[7]):
Kstar = 7
elif (BW > cutoffs[7]):
Kstar = 8
return np.sum(avg_energy[:, :4])/np.sum(avg_energy[:, 4:Kstar]), energy
def process_file(f, args):
fs, s = readwav(f)
if len(s.shape) > 1:
s = s[:, 0]
if np.issubdtype(s.dtype,
s = s.astype('float')/np.iinfo(s.dtype).max
r, energy = srmr(
s, fs, n_cochlear_filters=args.n_cochlear_filters,
return f, r
def main():
import argparse
import multiprocessing
import functools
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compute the SRMR metric for a given WAV file')
'-f', '--fast', dest='fast', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Use the faster version based on the gammatonegram')
'-n', '--norm', dest='norm', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Use modulation spectrum energy normalization')
'--ncochlearfilters', dest='n_cochlear_filters', type=int, default=23,
help='Number of filters in the acoustic filterbank')
'--mincf', dest='min_cf', type=float, default=4.0,
help='Center frequency of the first modulation filter')
'--maxcf', dest='max_cf', type=float, default=128.0,
help='Center frequency of the last modulation filter')
'path', metavar='path', nargs='+',
help='Path of the file or files to be processed.'
' Can also be a folder.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.path) > 1:
p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
results = dict(, args=args),
for f in args.path:
print('{}: {}'.format(f, results[f]))
f, r = process_file(args.path[0], args)
print('{}: {}'.format(f, r))
if __name__ == '__main__':