🚩 Report: Spam

by npbm - opened

Advertises a service

For any moderators who may be reading, here are the violations.

These are his ToS violations:

Content Policy

  • Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;
  • Pornography and soft porn

Code of Conduct

  • Public or private harassment
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission

Other things:

  • Saying that we should not have been born.
  • Attempting to discredit and attempt defamation.
  • Obfuscating the source of the repositories (via uploading the files from the space).

This message is spread throught all their repositories, with a copy of every repository (a link) sent to website@huggingface.co

Would like to add to this that this space claims donating would give more GPU power to the user which that is a false claim. This is provable by checking the app.py which shows that it’s using Gemini which is used via API and the tts is a client stolen from another space, there would be no way to use more GPU in any of these 2 ways.

I will buy a GPU power with that donation it's not a false claim, I can buy GPU power from Hugging Face, which world are you living in child??

I will buy a GPU power with that donation it's not a false claim, I can buy GPU power from Hugging Face, which world are you living in child??

That wouldn’t do anything to make the space any faster since the actual computing is done from another space you cliented and also Google’s API. Adding a GPU to this space will not make it any faster.

If i host model myself i can increase the GPU

But you aren’t hosting the model yourself, the app py shows that it’s a client of another space which you do not own and plus increasing GPU won’t improve the Gemini processing either since that’s API. Yes you can technically buy a GPU for this space but it will not do anything.

Gpu is not for gemini api, if I get donation or clients/customer I will host the voice model Tony space is using, that voice model will run on gpu, gemini, gpt, apis need no gpu, for this space the voice model will run on GPU and for other spaces some are sdxl models and face swap models which I can host and run on GPU, this is not an argument but I'm clearing you so you can also do or know that nothing wrong doings I'm doing here 😊🤗 stay blessed brother and forget whatever happened and if you need any help advice or need to copy my spaces you're welcome 😊 things I make doesn't let me sleep I even code in my sleep so whatever I make for you all

I am even make AI video tools like invideo, movie explainer, movie review for these spaces also I can use gpu for faster video rendering

All my app use gradio api mostly just to show people what things I can do and if someone is serious I will definitely buy gpu and host models myself, not only in hugging face I can even deploy on droplets from digital ocean or any cloud consoles like AWS and all but I'll choose huggingface.co because they'll be introduced AI accelerators soon which is worth it

I hope everything is clear now I'm ready for polite and good conversations, can learn from u can teach u, but everything should be in a respectful manner, if I get banned or blocked I will have no issues because I'll get a lesson but as far I am doing nothing and one of HF staff has said it look legitimate

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