Display time taken to run whisperCallable.invoke()

by FlippFuzz - opened

Just adding a timer around invoke()


Running whisper from  00:04.250  to  00:06.662 , duration:  2.412 expanded:  0 prompt:  None language:  None
 Thank you for watching!
Whisper took 5.392727698024828 seconds <--- This is the change.

Interesting, with this we can more easily see what I causing Whisper to spend more time on certain chunks:


There is a linear correlation with the duration of the chunk, but there's a bit of variation.

By the way, I imported this into Excel by converting the log using the following Regex:


Replacing it with:


Hm, though perhaps we ought to use a logging library here, so people can filter out these performance numbers if they are not interested. But I guess it's fine for now - so I'll just merge this. ๐Ÿ‘

aadnk changed pull request status to merged

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