by charliebaby2023 - opened

love all the effort put into this. might be the best thing on huggingface. imho.

since about 2/24/2024 i continually get model connection timeout 504s

is this a current and known issue, or is this a unique problem on my end?

its working great now

charliebaby2023 changed discussion status to closed

Thanks charliebaby2023! It's not just you, when models start giving 504 errors it's a site-wide issue, though spaces running on CPU-Upgrade or on GPUs may not be affected as it's the inference API of models that times out.

yes, i agree, i mean i did notice that many other spaces were experiencing the same types of errors,
and i see now. that makes sense.
and really, thanks again, for dedicating all the effort youve put into maintaining this space.

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