Why is this limited to only 12 seconds video length?

by Yes69420 - opened
Tune a video concepts library org

Cant it be unlocked?

Tune a video concepts library org

Hi, @Yes69420
The number of frames is limited to 12 in this demo because a larger number of frames would result in OOM on T4 if I remember correctly. But slightly larger number may work.

Tune a video concepts library org
edited Feb 11, 2023

Hi, @Yes69420
The number of frames is limited to 12 in this demo because a larger number of frames would result in OOM on T4 if I remember correctly. But slightly larger number may work.

Why does the VRAM usage increase with longer videos? What if I want to create long videos that last several minutes? Is there a way to divide it into smaller chunks?

Tune a video concepts library org

I think the VRAM usage increases due to the attention between frames, but I may be misunderstanding. I made this demo for the paper, but I'm not the author, so I think it would be better to ask the question directly to the authors of the paper on their GitHub.

hysts changed discussion status to closed

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