Apply for community grant: Personal project

by Thaweewat - opened

Dear HF Team,

I am currently working on a Control Net model optmized for architectural drawing as a part of my project for architecture school. This model is an essential tool that will enable architecture student to create fast, prototype render drawing more efficiently.

As you may know, building and running ControlNet require significant computational resources (+800 sec on CPU), I would be immensely grateful if you could provide me with a free tier of GPU access for a short period, around 2-3 days, so that I can showcase this prototype to my community.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Edited: I tried paid T4 Model but It out of memory during building process.
Edited 2: Using Paid A10 right now cuz there's a lot of requests (Over 200+ Images), but might out of budget soon.



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